
Site Information

How do I place an order on this website?

1)      The first thing you will need to do (if you have not already do so) is to “Create an Account” by clicking on this field in the upper right-hand corner just below the “Search” box. You will need name, address, phone number and email address. Please be sure to remember your password. If you have previously “created an account” on this website then simply sign in using your email address and password. Once signed in you will be taken to the “My Account” page which gives you a number of options including reviewing past orders and updating your account information. Once you are signed in you are now ready to place your order.

2)      You may find it easier to find items by printing out an Order WorkSheet for reference purposes and to help pre-plan your order. Click here for Order WorkSheet. If you have the order form in front of you, you can simply enter the three digit code that precedes each item into the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the website. Hit the search to bring up your item. You can also select your items from different “categories” listed on the left. Select a category and subcategory to locate the item you’re looking for.

3)      Once you are on the product description page update the quantity (if you’re ordering more than one) and hit the “Add to Cart” button. Continue this process until you finish with the items you wish to order. You can “Proceed to Checkout” by clicking on the button on the last item ordered, or you can hit “View Cart” at the top of the page at anytime.

4)      The next page is the “Secure Checkout” page.

  1. Step 1 is to enter “Billing Details”. Hit the “Bill & Ship to this address” if no change is required or check “I want to use a new billing address” if a change is required. If entering a new billing address and it is different than the “shipping address” be sure to “uncheck” the “I also want to ship to this address box” and hit the Bill/Ship to this Address button”.
  2. Step 2 is “Shipping Details” if it is different than “Billing Details”, otherwise you will be taken directly to Step 3.
  3. Step 3 is “Shipping Method”. Select either Media mail (5 to 10 days) or Priority Shipping (2 or 3 days).. Hit “Continue”.
  4.  Step 4 is “Order Confirmation” which lists the items being ordered, and the total amount due. If you need to make a change click on “View Cart” at the top of the page to remove items, adjust quantities or add items. Enter any special “Order Instructions/Comments” if needed. Hit “Continue” under the comments box to go to the next page.
  5. Step 5 is payment details. Check the details of your and modify if needed. Enter Card Type (Amex, Discover, MasterCard & Visa), Cardholder’s Name, Credit Card Number, Expiration Date and Security Code from the back of your card (front for Amex). Click “Pay for Order”.

5)      Once completed you will be taken to the “Thank you for your order” screen which will give you your invoice # and you will receive an email confirmation as well. The email confirmation will contain details of your order and is your “invoice” for your order.

6)      Once your order is “Completed” (shipped) you will receive a “Your BQPowers Order has been Updated” email, indicating your order has shipped. You should also receive a second email from our postal system with tracking information. If your order contains “download” items there will be a link on your “Completed” email that you click on to download the items ordered.

Please let me us know if you have any problems or questions by sending an email to