Product Description
Important Note for 2025 8 ½ by 11 books : For Safety, Convenience & to Streamline Production, all 8 ½ by 11 books will now come 3 hole-punched and shrink wrapped and will no longer come "spiral" bound. Please place in your own binder. Copying for others is not allowed.
Description: A Study system for parents and quizzers. What if your “Coach” could “Box” themselves’ up and go home with each quizzer? That is the “concept” behind Coach-In-A-Box. Written by Bro. Jonathan George (a very experienced coach and author) this book contains a day by day study guide for parents to use with their quizzer. Follow this guide and your quizzer should be able to learn all their verses in 100 days or less.
Each day contains:
1) Verse text to be learned for the day (usually two verses)
2) Verses to be reviewed in order for the day
3) Verses to reviewed mix-up (usually with verse cards)
4) A daily story relating to the verses being learned
5) A daily prayer focus.
Click here for Usage Guide and Sample
Intended Users: Beginner Quizzers & Parents. Ideal for HOME SCHOOL curriculum.
Special Notes:
- Copying of this guide IS PROHIBITED. Teams wishing to use this book will need to PURCHASE ONE FOR EACH QUIZZER.
- A church license download product (#93d Beginner) or (#95 Beginner/Junior) IS AVAILABLE that will allow you to print as many books as needed for your team.