Product Description
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Full-Year Quiz Set purchase, in NON-REFUNDABLE, due to administrtive time and cost of doing so. Please ORDER CAREFULLY. If you are not sure if your team is going to complete the Quiz Year, it is best to order individual sets as needed. See links below under "Included in this Package" for individual set purchases.
Digital Download Version
Description: 125 Quizzes - Junior Teams ONLY
Intended Users: Junior ONLY Coaches. These ARE NOT recommended for parents unless your coach is using questions for quiz practice from another source.
Included In this Package: Individual sets can be purchased individually by clicking on the blue link below. If the link is not highlighted in blue it means the quiz set in yet available for individual purchase.
- Junior/Beginner Quiz Set 1 (#061d NOW AVAILABLE)
- Junior/Beginner Quiz Set 2 (#062d NOW AVAILABLE)
- Junior/Beginner Quiz Set 3 (#063d NOW AVAILABLE)
- Junior Quiz Set 4 (#064d NOW AVAILABLE)
- Junior District Finals Prep (#065 NOW AVAILABLE)
(5 items total - $110 value)
Planned availability: New Quiz Sets are released every 2 to 3 months starting in September and placed in each customer's Quiz Set Directory when released. Customers who purchase the Full Year Quiz Set are notified of each new Quiz Set's availability by email.
To access the Quiz Set Directory, customer's can log into their BQPowers website account and do the following:
- Click the "Completed" button on the left side bar
- Find the original Full Year Quiz Set Order
- Click "Download Files" link located under "Item Detail"
- The "Download Files" link will take you to the Full Year Quiz Set Directory containing all Quiz Sets available to date
Special Notes:
- This Junior Full Year Quiz Set contains a total of 110 quizzes and 1650 questions. This allows for a single purchase to cover your quiz set needs for the year.
- These quiz sets comes ready to use at quiz practice at a cost of less than $.75 (75 cents) per quiz.
- Quiz sets #061, #062, and #063 and are formatted so that they can be used by both Beginner and Junior teams (30 point cross reference question is substituted).
- The Quiz Practice sets (#061, #062, #063, & #064) contain quizzes with an increasing number of verses, and the coverage is heavier on the newer verses. These are for use at quiz practice as your team progresses thru the material.
- The District Finals Prep set (65) is intended for the teams preparing for District Finals and contains at least one question over each of the 283 verses.
- Rev. Jared Wilkerson writes these quizzes to be consistent with questions that a team might hear at National Tournaments and Extravaganzas. Each set contains fresh questions not used on prior quiz sets.
- It is recommended that you use the quiz practice sets in order (#061d, #062d, #063d, #064d).
- There is NO SHIPPING CHARGE for this item when it is the only item ordered.