Product Description
Important Note for 2025 8 ½ by 11 books: For Safety, Convenience, Streamline Production, and reduce cost all 8 ½ by 11 books will now come 3 hole-punched and shrink wrapped and will no longer come "spiral" bound. Please place in your own binder. Copying for others is not allowed.
Description: Official text listing of verses of study. This workbook also provides 2 sample quizzes over the first 22 verses and quizzer workbook exercises over Quotation Completion, Verse Endings, Verse Beginnings & Endings, 1 time words, 2 time words.
Intended Users: Senior Quizzers & Coaches (Intermediate/Experienced Division)
- Special Notes:
- Previously name "Study Guide/Workbook". It has been renamed so it is not confused with the "Senior Study Guide" provided by the Youth Ministries, which is completely different.
- Copying of this guide in its entirely IS PROHIBITED, except for the quizzer it was purchased for. The scripture portion at the front of the guide may be copied as a handout for new quizzers. Teams wishing to use this guide will need to PURCHASE ONE FOR EACH QUIZZER.
- There is NOW a CHURCH LICENSE DOWNLOAD version of the Senior Study Guide Available. This allow you to download the product as a PDF file, and print as many as need for your Senior Quizzer. This file MUST NOT be shared with others. Here is a link to the "002cl Senior Workbook Exercises Church License Download"
- This guide is formatted so that it can be used by both Intermediate and Experienced quizzers.
Other Details
Initial Order #300014 - 8/27/24 Added:
Additional Order #300025 - email 9/29/244 Added:
Additional Order #300025 - email 10/10/24 Added: